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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Notice

This Privacy Policy Notice applies to all websites of nasoshotel.com that belong and operate under it and to all sub-sectors of nasoshotel.com as well (hereinafter “Nasos Hotel & Resort” or “The Hotel”). It aims at informing you on how information regarding you are being used and shared. The present Privacy Policy Notice explains what information will be collected by nasoshotel.com, when you are accessing our services (including through the websites of our colleagues), the way that information are being used and the way in which you can control the collection, correction or deletion of your information. We shall not use or share your information to anyone except from what is described in the present Privacy Policy Notice.
This policy does not apply to information that we collect using other means (including those offline) or other sources. The terms that are not defined in the present policy are fully explained at the Terms of Services section, which we strongly recommend you to examine in addition with the present policy. The usage of the information collected through our websites is limited to the aims of the present privacy policy and the Terms of Services of our clients, potential clients, employees and potential employees.

1. How we collect your data

With your explicit consent we can collect elements of personal identification regarding you, like your full name, telephone number, mail address, e-mail address, information about the services you choose or similar, when you request a service, when you send us your queries via our website, and when you are choosing to contact forms.
We are using Google Analytics on our service and when you are visiting our websites, we might receive certain information about you, as described below. We shall not send any e-mail advertising messages without your explicit consent. However, we might send you e-mail messages regarding your former contact with us about a service we provide or in case you will be requesting information from us about the performance of our service/contract.

2. How we manage your Data

Nasos Hotel & Resort allows for its users to correct, change, add or delete data and information that have been collected by the Hotel. If you choose to delete information, the Hotel will act in order to delete this information from its files shortly. For the protection and security of the user, the Hotel tries to certify that the person making the changes is the same person as the user. In order to have access, change or delete personal data and to report problems regarding the operation of the website or in order to ask any question you can contact Nasos Hotel & Resort via e-mail at info@nasoshotel.com or at our mailing address Moraitika Village, Corfu Postal Code 49 084, Greece.
In the Hotel’s website we use “cookies”, a technology that saves data on your computer by using your browser’s functionalities. Under no circumstances will cookies cause any damages on either the user’s computer or the files stored in them. Some of the information stored in cookies, with your consent, are being used for identification purposes. Some of the information collected are not identifiable and are limited to minimum information required for optimizing efficiency. Certain cookies serve for our visitors to enjoy and use the full operability of our website. We use a cookies control system which allows you to accept the use of cookies and to check the cookies stored in your device/ computer. Certain cookies will be stored for certain periods of time while others will last indefinitely.
We offer you the option to manage and adjust all of your cookie settings regarding our website. Your browser should also offer you the option for management and deletion of the cookies from your device. Please refer to your browser’ settings. Exemption available cookie- Google Analytics: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout. Nasos Hotel & Resort uses cookies in order to provide for its users/subscribers information and in order to process the services provided by our website.

3. How we use your Data

Data Collection
(a) We use the information we collect with your consent in order to operate, to maintain our website, to perform our contract with you (room reservation, cancelation of room reservation etc) and to answer your queries and concerns.
The legal basis is article 6, par.1, points a), b) and f) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
(b) We also use the information we collect in order to help parties cooperate with us as employees and potential employees. The legal basis is article 6, par 1, points a) and f) of the GDPR.
Data Usage
(a) Personal Information : Nasos Hotel & Resort will not lease or sell personal information to sites. We may store data at locations that are not under Nasos Hotel & Resort’s direct control (for example, to servers or databases located with hosting providers). All information of personal identification that you choose to post on our websites or to the Nasos Hotel & Resort service, for example posting comments to our blog page (if this service is available), will be available to everyone. If you choose to delete information that you have posted on our blog page or to the Nasos Hotel & Resort service, copies may remain visible on stored and archived pages of our webpages, or in cases that other users have copied or saved these information.

(b) Non-personally identifiable information: We may share non-personal information with interested third parties (like anonymous usage data, reference pages/ output pages and URL addresses, platform types, clicks number etc.) and use patterns for certain services and the services of our partners. These results constitute exclusively non-personal information. If we choose to post these results to the Nasos Hotel & Resort or to our blog page (for example, to our result collection), you understand and agree that these information will be published. By posting your results to Nasos Hotel & Resort, you agree that all necessary consent have been received in order to publish these data. If you delete the information posted on our blog page, copies may remain visible to stored and archived pages of our webpage or if other users have copied or saved these data. Non-personally identifiable information can be stored indefinitely.

(c) Cases where the disclosure of your information is required: Nasos Hotel & Resort will reveal your information when this is required by law, if it is subjected to summon or other legal procedure or if we fairly decide that it is necessary for: (a) compliance with the law and the fair requests of the law enforcement authorities, (b) the imposing of the Terms of Services or the protection of safety and of the integrity of our services or (c) to exercise or protect the rights, the property or the personal safety of the Nasos Hotel & Resort.

(d) What happens in case of control change: We can buy or sell/ transfer the company (included the company’s stocks) or any combination of its products, services and/or businesses. Your information, for example client names, e-mail addresses and other information of the users that have been received with their consent and they are being lawfully retained in accordance with the present Privacy Notice and that they are associated with Nasos Hotel & Resort may be in between data that are sold or transferred differently to these types of transactions. We can, as well, sell, allocate or transfer with any other way these data in the context of company concessions, merges, acquisitions, bankruptcies, dissolutions, reorganizations, winding up or similar transactions or procedures concerning the whole or part of the company. We will not notify, allocate, dispose or sell your personal information to any third parties separately, in the form of a product.
You will be notified via e-mail or warning notification in our website for any ownership change or usage of your personal data, as well as any choices that you may have regarding your personal data.

(e) Reviews: We may present personal reviews of satisfied clients in our website, in addition to other approvals. With your consent, we can publish your statement along with your name. If you wish to update or delete your review, you can contact us at info@nasoshotel.com .

4. Third party access

Nasos Hotel & Resort will not lease or sell your personal information to others and it will not share (except from the reasons stated at the present notice) your personal data to third parties.
We store information to locations outside the direct control of Nasos Hotel & Resort, to servers or databases that are located with hosting providers. Our hosting provider does not have access to your personal data.
We use the Fusioned Ltd. Company, 21 Poplar Hill, Walton on the Wolds, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 8JD – United Kingdom in order to support our servers. This company acts as a “processor” for the services that it provides to its customers (us), and has periodically technical access to our server’s data for support and maintenance..
Our website’s software is “Wordpress” , a software developed from the company named Automattic Inc., 60 29thStreet #343, San Francisco, CA 94110, United States of America. You can contact this company at Aut O’Mattic Ltd.c/o GA, Business Centre, No.1 Lower Mayor Street, International Financial Services Centre Dublin 1, Ireland. This company has periodical technical access to our server’s data for support and maintenance.
In order to be informed on how the third parties are using your information, you should refer to their privacy policy.

5. How we protect your Data.

The information we collect through Nasos Hotel & Resort can be stored and processed in Europe. If you are in the European Union or in the European Economic Area, we would like to inform you that we will not transfer information, included your personal data, to any country outside the EU or the European Economic Area.
Nasos Hotel & Resort has the protection of privacy and personal data against malicious activity as its top using the latest and up to date Firewall and Antivirus programs.
Although Nasos Hotel & Resort tries hard to protect your privacy and your data, it can neither ensure nor guarantee the safety of any information you have transferred to Nasos Hotel & Resort nor ensure that your information in Nasos Hotel & Resort could not be accessed (revealed, altered or destroyed) from third parties, who can hack in to any of our standard physical, technical or administrative guarantees. When you insert sensitive information (like your connection credentials) in our registration or order forms, we encrypt these information using SSL technology (Secure Sockets Layer), as well as other related technologies available in WordPress. Nevertheless, there is no Internet transmission method or digital storage method, which can be described as 100% safe. Consequently, we cannot guarantee ultimate safety.
If you have any questions regarding our website safety, please contact us to this address: info@nasoshotel.com. Possible credit card processing companies that you choose to use with us (POS-owning companies, banks etc) do not store, share, save or use personally recognizable data for any other purpose. We don’t cooperate with such a company online, though.
In case your personal data have been violated, Nasos Hotel & Resort will notify the concerned parties immediately, according to the existing legislation.

6. Your personal rights

According to the GDPR, your rights are the following. You can read more about your rights with details here.
A) right to information: the involved party can be informed through the existing Personal Data Protection Policy and the Terms of Service about the collection, usage and processing of data by us.
B) right to access: the involved party has the right to access the data we collect concerning his/her person, for as long as we store them. We face your access requests according to the GDPR (a month after your request has been made).
C) right to correction: Nasos Hotel & Resort permits the users correction, alteration, limitation of processing, addition or deletion of data and information given to Nasos Hotel & Resort.
D) right to deletion: see above (C)
E) right to limitation of processing: see above (C)
F) right to portability
G) right to objection and
H) right to not subject your data to automated decision making, including alterations.
You have also the right to complain to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (http://www.dpa.gr/), in case you sense that there is a problem concerning the way you handle your data.

7. Dispute Settlement

According to the EU and EU-US Protection of Personal Data Authorities, Nasos Hotel & Resort is pledged to settle complaints concerning privacy and the collection or usage of your personal data. For such matters of data, questions or concerns regarding the usage of personal data, please contact us in this address: info@nasoshotel.com. In case your question or concern cannot be satisfied via this process, you have the right to complain to the Hellenic Personal Data Authorities (www.dpa.gr).

8. Retention of your data.

(i) In case you make a reservation or you ask for services via our website, we will store your information for as long as it takes to offer you these services and until the prescription of any legal claims (limitation of rights). We will store and use your data as necessary, in order to comply with our legal obligations, to settle disputes and to enforce our agreements.
(ii) In case you contact us via our website platform for questions or enquiries, we will store your data for a necessary period of time, but not for more than two (2) years after the submission of your question.
(iii) In case you contact us for a job application, we will store your data for as long as it takes to offer you services and until the prescription of any legal claims (limitation of rights).

9. Protection of children’s Personal Data

The protection of children’s privacy is especially important. Thus, Nasos Hotel & Resort does not store or ask for personal data for children under the age of 13. In case we have stored personal data from a child under the age of 13, we will delete them the soonest possible. If you believe that we have stored data of a child under the age of 13, please contact us at our electronic address info@nasoshotel.com, or at our mailing address Moraitika Village, Corfu Postal Code 491 00, Greece, For the Attention Of Our Company.

10. Notification Process

It is our policy to inform you via email, written or printed notification, or via a visible notification in our website, notifications, regardless of if these notifications are required by law or if they concern trade or other relevant with this business goals, as it is defined by Nasos Hotel & Resort under our discretion. We maintain the right to define the form and the medium of the notification provisions, on the condition that you may exclude yourselves from certain notification media, as it is described in our Privacy Policy.

11. Links to other websites

We do not bear responsibility for any practices other websites or services linked with or from the service of Nasos Hotel & Resort, including their data or their content. You should bear in mind that when you follow a link to transfer to another website or service, our Privacy Policy does not apply to any third party websites or services. Your browsing and interaction to any website or third party service, including those linked or advertised in our website, are subjected to the rules and policies of this specific party. Nevertheless, we have confirmed that our partners are as lawful as possible with the GDPR.

12. Social Media

Our website includes social media functions, such us the Facebook button or Tripadvisor Button and other graphic elements in our website. These functions may collect your IP address and the page you currently visit in our website and you may have to activate cookies to properly activate this function. The social media functions and widgets are hosted by third parties or are hosted directly in our website. Your interactions with these functions are regulated from the Privacy Policy of each provider organization.

13. Changes to our Protection of Personal Data Policy

All changes of this Policy apply when they are published in this website. When we change our Policy in a substantial way, we will inform you via email or with a warning notification in our website, before the change applies and each user will be notified for the admission date on the bottom of this page or with other means.
In case you have any questions regarding our Policy, our website practices or your transactions with this website, please contact us in this address: info@nasoshotel.com or mail us to the following address: Moraitika Village, Corfu Postal Code 491 00, Greece, For the Attention Of Our Company.
Further Information :
• Overview of the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation
• Data Protection Act 1998
• Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003
• Twitter Privacy Policy
• Facebook Privacy Policy
• Google Privacy Policy
• Linkedin Privacy Policy